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College & University Students

Transition to College or University is a big step for people with Dyspraxia, especially if they are going to be living away from home. Parents are encouraged to teach self-help skills at an early age and make sure the student can cook, shop and budget for a balanced diet; can look after their own hygiene and their clothes; manage money and their own time, and have time for some social life as well.


If you feel you could do with additional help at College or University its best to highlight this when you apply, and get an up-to-date Assessment done before you start, rather than wait until you are struggling with the course.


Student Tips



Symptom checklist:


If you answered YES to 4 or more questions you may have dyspraxia and need further assessment.


What to Do:


Dyspraxia Uk

How to book an Assessment

I am really glad that I have got a detailed profile of my strengths and difficulties. Being given strategies for the future, in school, work and life is great too.


Gabriel (2023)